I have just returned from my journey to Merry Old England, where everyone is indeed merry and very polite.
I installed an exhibition there called "
We They, We They" at the
IKON in Birmingham, which is an amazing contemporary art space that really does work with the community of any age and background.
As soon as I get some good photos I will post them here soon, with some footage of the performance on opening night as well.
Instead of a traditional catalogue, with the support of the curators and galleries, I was able to publish my second children's book, (first one being "Blue Deer Red Fox") titled "Pidgy" about a little baby pigeon that is raised by three little girls into adult hood. I think you can buy it on the IKON website.
After my phone died with all my music I was left with a very small quiver of music to choose from, so if anyone has any music that you really love and would like to share, I would appreciate it.